Welcome to WIN

Welcome to Communication Matters: Workplace Integration Network (WIN)

This suite of 5 short courses is designed to help think through ideas, challenges and benefits in hiring IEHPs. Based on feedback from potential users these courses are short, practical and to the point.

Why take the time?  The courses are not long. Take a look at the course list and descriptions to curate a tailored experience. Always check out the resource section at the end of each course. Laced through all the courses are short videos – insights from professionals. Courses 1 & 2 are less interactive Courses 3, 4 & 5 are versatile in their potential application e.g. staff development.

Course 1: International International Academic and Professional Credentials

Basics about the professional credentialing and verification processes with excellent resources, should you need them. The course begins with a short quiz to determine any potential gaps in knowledge and information needed to effectively judge an internationally educated applicant’s qualifications.


Course 2: Professional Regulatory Bodies

Practical information about professional regulators, their roles and responsibilities. The self-assessment knowledge quiz about regulatory bodies will help determine benefit from additional learning and resources provided. Worthwhile information about language proficiency and supports such as mentorship and orientation to the workplace.


Course 3: Equitable Hiring Practices

Interactive blend of practical information, video vignettes and short reflective puzzles to surface and inspire ideas, explore beliefs and biases surrounding the engagement of internationally educated professionals. Practical tips and resources.


Course 4: Diversity and Integration

Video vignettes highlight the many facets of diversity in the workplace. Useful insights from experts. Handy resources.


Course 5: Workforce Health

Vignettes about workplace atmosphere, communication and team function are explored. Practical demonstrations of collaborative working relationships.


Navigation Tips

Three are 2 windows on the landing page: one that leads to the 5 Workplace Integration Network (WIN) courses specific to employers and the other to the 10 Practice Readiness e-Learning Program (PReP) aimed at health professionals.


As previously mentioned, the courses will take between 20 and 45 minutes to do. They can done them individually or in groups, at any time. Each course has extra recommended resources, links to other websites and relevant journal articles that allow deeper exploration. Courses 1 and 2 form a consolidated picture of professaionl body rules, regulations and requirements – the ‘hoops’ through which health professionals are put. Courses 3, 4 and 5 are focussed on the workplace. The courses can be done in English or French by making the selection at the top right corner of the website.

Log in if you want to save your progress

Benefits of registering: Registering is quick and easy. When you’re registered, the site will track your progress and remind you of which courses and lessons you have completed.

Register here: http://hireiehps.com/register/

You are welcome to enter the site without registering. However, the site will not be able to track your progress or remember which courses and lessons you have completed.

Course Organization

You can follow your interest – each course has a unique focus. If you are registered on the site, remember to click the Mark Complete button at the bottom of the page when you complete a lesson or topic. This will track your progress on the Course Content list, and on the green Course Progress bar.
For the WIN courses it is important to use the light blue tabs or ‘breadcrumb’ trail under the purple band to navigate. If you use the very top tabs you will be routed to the 10 PReP courses and you will have to take one more step back to the home page in order to return to WIN.

Subtitles are available in both the English and French courses. The option seems to appear in two different ways:

  1. Click near the bottom of the video to reveal the settings button
  2. Click on settings and subtitles button will appear.
  3. If it is ‘off’ click and select either language
  4. If the subtitles are already set on ‘English’ click on the word and the French option will appear.

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